If you have not yet joined this site, please click the "Join Here" link in the panel at right, find your name on the roster and click it to update your contact info, add photos, message classmates, etc.You can also view the information at the "First Time Visitors" page, linked in the panel to the left, to gain a better understanding of the site.
Donate Now! A great reunion is one where everyone has the opportunity to attend and where no classmate feels the need to stay home due to financial limitations. Please consider a donation to help with reunion expenses and support our classmates in need of assistance. You can make a donation at the time you register or click the DONATE NOW button above.
You can see a list of those who have already made a gift by clicking the Donor Recognition link above. Donors contributing at the $150 level or above will be invited to a VIP reception at the George W Bush Presidential Center immediately prior to the Saturday evening dinner. Any remaining funds will be donated to the Highland Park Education Foundation.
Register Before Time Runs Out! First, to those of you who have already registered for the upcoming class reunion, there is no need for you to read and further. Congratulations and thanks for your early registration! For those of you planning to come but have not yet registered through the HPScots74.com website, you are rapidly running out of time. To provide a reliable headcount for our vendors, we must close registrations a week in advance of our events. Therefore, on September 26th, a little less than a month from now, we will close access to new registrants. Because of space limitations, particularly at Café 43 in the Bush Center, last minute admission will be subject to available space. For these reasons, the at-the-door on-site fee will increase from $175 to $200. We hope that all classmates who can attend, will. Be sure to sign up by midnight on September 26th. We are excited to see all of you very soon. Go Scots! Gregg, David E. and David B.
HP '74 Scotties Pat Hobin and Chad Downs have developed a podcast of interviews with multiple members of our class, each of whom have generously consented - under mild to extreme duress - to share their stories of high school days and beyond. College, work, marriage, chldren and grandkids!. Pat and Chad are always on the lookout for classmates to contripute their stories. Click on the HP graphic link for a nostalgic journey and be sure to check back periodically for new stories!
Discover Who is Attending Several classmates have asked if there is a way to find out who of our class will be attending the upcoming class reunion. It's simple! Here are the steps:
That's all there is to it!
Reunion Registration is Live!Here you will find all you need to know regarding reunion events, dates and times, and descriptions of planned activities. In summary, those activites include:
To register and pay for the weekend, go to HPScots74.com, click the Sign In button and login with your email address and the password you provided at the time of your site registration. Next, go to the Reunion Registration link in the top navigation bar. There you will be walked through the steps to finalize your registration and payment for you, your spouse, others you may want to include. If you are not enrolled on the HPScots74.com site, click the JOIN HERE link in the top right corner of the home page. You will then be asked to find your name on the roster of classmates and follow the prompts to complete your enrollment. If you can’t remember your password, use the Forgot Password link on the log in page to reset your password. Use the Contact Us link if you need assistance. We are excited to see you all there. Go Scots! Gregg, David E. and David B.
Join us to celebrate the HP Class of 74's 50 Year Class Reunion on October 4-5Believe it or not, the 50 year reunion of our great Highland Park High School Class of 1974 is almost here. Save the weekend of October 4-5 and make your plans to attend. We are finalizing arrangements with our various vendors and should have all of the details availabile soon.
Please spread the word to any of our classmates with whom you maintain contact and encourage them to come. There are quite a few for whom we do not have current email addresses, cell phone numbers and other contact information. Direct them to this site, tell them to click on the "Classmate Profile" tab at the top of the page, find their name in the class roster and sign up for the site.
We look forward to seeing all of you very soon.
Gregg, David E. and David B.